
Itchy Feet Going Places

I’ve been a wanderer as far as I can remember, and when people started to bug me with redundant questions – “Hui, where is this,” “oh my, how much did you spend for this overseas travel,” ” Tips, please?” ! That hinted my journey in becoming a storyteller.

Yes, I’ve been a blogger since 2004, and even microblogged before that on Multiply, Myspace and Friendster. And when posting albums of backpacking photos on these “ancient” (teehee) social media networks, I tend to get multiple comments and DMs of repeating questions, and that light bulb moment of just launching a blog site to direct them whenever they need any information to guide them on their upcoming travels came about!

Why travel? Why not! Here’s my quick 5 reasons.

Traveling is Anti-aging
So what’s the deal with traveling? We’ll, traveling keeps me young. Whenever I am at a new place, I am so intrigued and I feel invested in discovering more – the culture, the people , the food and etc. It’s reminiscent of the feeling when my dad got me a new Sonic the Hedgehog Game on our Sega Console, and felt excited of being able to pass each level of the game, and then when am finished, off to the next version of the game. Ultimately, that hook of getting to know every nooks and crannies of the game, is very much similar to when discovering a new place.

Forever 21. Haha

Core Memory Unlocked
From my solo birthday travel to Bacolod and South Korea, to my first snow fall and spring with my constants in Japan, to my dad welcoming his senior years with a Southeast Asia backpacking trip, these experiences are instilled in my core memory. Special moments that I’ll cherish my whole life.

Falling in Love
Love is truly many splendored things. And finding love in an unfamiliar place is very exciting. And autumn hit me hard! Like head over heels hard. There’s something in the ambient, warm earthy tones that gets me warmed up inside even though weather’s under 10 degrees. And yup, I get to dress up like my fave K-stars too. Wink.

Meeting Friends For Life

During the early days of blogging, I had a Filipino reader in Singapore who I met with during my first visit in the Lion City. We had tea and lunch at TWG, which is by the way my most favorite tea brand ever, and even accompanied me to Singapore Zoo. Then on, we’re like bros! Though we call each other “sirs”, because Bri’ish. Teehee.

And also beause of traveling, I met my Malaysian besties – Nur, Ilyanna and Saufi.

Penang 2019

Traveling and Telling Stories

Traveling when you’re going through something is actually good. Does it solve your problem? NO! But at least you are crying in a prettier place. Teehee. No, seriously! Traveling gives us new perspective, and seeing things in a new light is refreshing. it teaches us that there’s more to life than just the same old routine. Breathing in and learning new things keep me on my feet, and telling them my travel experiences with the hopes to inspire. No bull, no shiz.

And yeah, I know it’s just a few days before the BCBA voting ends! Do support me by casting your choice for THE BEST TRAVEL BLOG of 2022 by clicking on the LINK.

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